LS Ref: 009

Abbreviated Transcript of:

Indenture 17/11/Charles 5th Year (1631) between John Bebye of Broughton, husbandman, and James Bebye of Islip, husbandman, the elder brother of Jn Bebye of the other party

John Bebye in consideration of £20 to him paid by James Bebye, John Bebye grants and effects unto said James Bebye his heirs and assigns, all those arable lands containing 4 acres and 3 roads and appts in the fields of Great Addington in attached terrier. And all haves, grassurds, pastures, feeding comons and commons of pasture, parfilte comodities and hereditaments to the said arable land belonging or in any way appurtaining, or accepted, seputed or deened or take to be parte, parcell or member thereof, or of any part thereof and late in the tenure occupation of Thomas Bolney deceased. And also all the estate, right title, use interest, posession, daine and demande whatsoever of him the said John Bebye or of in to or out of any parte parcell, or member there of all land premises now or late were used or belonged to one messuage or cottage in Great Addington aforesaid late in the tenure / occupation of said Thomas Bolney and sometyme in the tenure / occupation of John Bebye now deceased, natural father of said James and John Bebye and by the said John Bebye the father y mem and bequeathed unto said John Bebye the sone and to his heires and assigns forever in and by the last will and testament of the said John Bebye deceased. As in and by the same it doth and may appeare. And with said premises amongst other things the said John Bebye the father had and purchased to him and his heires of Richard Wekeley, yeoman deceased as by conveyance to him thereof made yt doth and may appear. To have and to hold the said mentioned ground, arable land and all and singular the above ground premises and appurtinances unto the said James Bebye his heires and assigns forever to the only prope use and behoof of the said James Bebye, his heires. And the said John Bebye ……… James Bebye heires and assigns may have hold possess …….. by the said John Bebye or Rebecca now his wife, his heires or assigns.

- Signed John Beebee

Reproduced from the notes of Steve Walker who transcribed the original documents. Northamptonshire Records Office CR162/361.

Chart derived from the will:


This document proves where U.S. emigrant John Beebe fits in with his wife Rebecca, his deceased father, also John, and elder brother James. John died on board ship whilst on route to America in 1650.

This page last updated 5th August 2000